Speaker: Kate Harvey

Episode 12: Has the internet lost its innocence?

Is it just me or does the internet feel like one big marketplace? Where every website and every platform has become a place to sell and be sold to. Between content marketing, website tracking, click bait, fake news, fake profiles and deep fakes it’s a constant question as to what, if anything, is not trustworthy…

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Episode 11: Does our information-rich diet serve us?

Like anything else in life information has diminishing returns. A little can be worth a lot but a lot can just be plain overwhelming. In the next episode of THIS IS IMMINENT we will be questioning whether the years or documents, notes, photos and other information we have all collected and kept is now more…

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Episode 08: Does technology distract us from purpose?

In Episode 8 of THIS IS IMMINENT we will be talking about whether technology enables or distracts us from fulfilling our purpose and our potential. We will be joined by Carolyn Tate, author of The Purpose Project as we dive into what purpose is, how it can be quantified and whether technology amplifies or diminishes…

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Episode 07: Blockchain and the limits of trust

There has perhaps been nothing more fundamental to human evolution than trust. The ability to trust and be trusted is at the core of every transaction we undertake and as more and more of those transactions have been digitised is it now time to digitise trust as well? In Episode 7 of THIS IS IMMINENT…

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Episode 05: Why do we want computers to think like we do?

So much of the focus of AI and machine learning is focused on developing computers that operate like the human brain. But given how much we forget and our inability to match it with our calculators when it comes to simple maths, there is a question to be asked ‘Why do we want computers to…

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Episode 04: Humans and Technology: A tragedy or a romance?

Throughout history humans have had a love-hate relationship with technology. On one hand, we credit it with dramatic improvements to the human condition. On the other, it is seen to be driving addiction and undermining the very fabric of society. Join our audience of experts, along with special guest Yamini Naidu, as we explore our…

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Episode 03: Will we all have robotic companions?

In the third episode of THIS IS IMMINENT, we will be joined by Leah Davidson along with regular guest Kate Harvey as we explore the future of human relationships and whether we will all end up wanting robotic companions.

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Episode 02: Do we still need a place called work?

In the second episode of THIS IS IMMINENT, we will be joined by Colin D Ellis along with regular guest Kate Fuelling as we discuss the future of the workplace and whether we really want or even need one.

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Episode 01: Does Technology Make us Smarter?

In our very first episode of ‘This is Imminent’ we will be joined by Dr Adrian Medhurst along with regular guest Kate Fuelling as we discuss whether being surrounded by technology and being almost permanently hooked into the internet has made the human race any smarter.

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